Jul 29, 2008

July 29, 2008

I got a fruit smoothie today from a little place near my office called Taraccino (or something). It's a little coffee shop that also serves yummy gelato (I sampled some... and know I'll be back for a real serving sometime soon!)

I also touched and picked up a snake skin. My dog sniffed it out (just a gardener snake) and was playing with it, so I grabbed it and threw it in the alley. Yeah, I know it's not a big deal, but I am normally a little creeped out by that stuff. But I have to say, I was brave... and it was still a little yucky.

Jul 28, 2008

July 28, 2008

Took a comp day today. Had a middle of the week-day tech rehearsal for the Fringe, went to a forum at the Walker and then the real "new thing"... on my way home, I gave a dollar to a young man who was pan-handling. I was in my car, and happened to have a dollar sitting there. I pulled up next to him at a red light and his sign said he was homeless. He looked very innocent...maybe about 25. I gave him the dollar. He thanked me and said "God bless you". I said "you too". Never given someone money from my car before. Maybe he didn't need it, or use it for what I had hoped, but you never know...

July 27, 2008

Saw the Dark Knight tonight. It was very...well...dark. Good movie though...it makes me sad all over again that Heath Ledger is gone. He was impressive!

July 26, 2008

Went to a little wine bar in my neighborhood and had wine & dessert by myself tonite. It was quite enjoyable. Planning out my next moves in life, reading, thinking...

July 25, 2008

Tried unsuccessfully to go see the Dark Knight. It was sold out. So instead we watched a Netflix documentary called Jesus Camp. About fundamentalist Christians sending their kids to an evangelical camp in North Dakota. Yikes! You have to watch it to understand.

July 24, 2008

I started to make head-way. I had a meeting with my boss and brought up a bunch of new topics. Nothing was decided, but it felt good to mention them and get the thought processes going. I'm starting to feel like I know what I'm talking about :)

July 23, 2008

I ate lunch at Pizza Nea in NE with a couple girl friends. Both of whom are pregnant. I had never eaten there before and it was quite good. A little spendy for lunch but I had left-overs for dinner (since I wasn't going to be home until 10pm).

July 22, 2008

I had a student tell me today, that I was the best tap teacher EVER! (she's 6 years old) How cute is that?! I don't think I've ever been told that before.

July 21, 2008

uh... darn. I'm at a lack for something today. I guess I could say I got a mild case of food-poisoning... or so it seems. I've never had it before, but I would imagine this is what it's like. :(

July 20, 2008

I went to see my dad in a production of The Music Man at Mankato State University. It was a great performance! Who knew my dad (and us kids) would enjoy it so much! It was a total role-reversal... I was like the proud parent in the audience, after so many years of being the one on stage!

July 19, 2008

Well today I went to my first motorcycle rally and as a bonus, it was in a town I've never been to before! Yep. It's a fundraiser for called Dreams for Kids. A co-worker and I went, and it was pretty fun! Totally a world that I am not familiar with. It was funny! Here we are:

July 18, 2008

Not only did I go to a new salon/spa today, but I got my first-ever facial. It was nice... a mini-facial they called it, but it was not bad. Not painful, like I've heard they can be, and I didn't have any reactions. And my skin did feel quite soft and moisturized for a day or so. Yay! I also had a massage and manicure. It was quite relaxing. I'm sure I'll be back to my old tense-self tomorrow.

July 17, 2008

Not monumental, but I learned a new tap step today. We're in rehearsal for the Fringe Festival and learned a new and complicated step for the tap piece we're doing... in heels. I'm not very good at it, but hopefully I'll get much better by the time the show opens. :)

July 16, 2008

Today I hosted my first focus group regarding a Speaker's Bureau program we're starting at my office.

Also I went to happy hour with a former intern. It's weird that I have "former interns". But it was fun to catch up... just makes me feel a little old.

July 15, 2008

I went to have dinner at Krista's new house. Very cute little place in NE Minneapolis. She made yummy fajitas and sweet corn salsa...mmm!

July 14, 2008

Today I went to a photo shoot for work. Got to meet a couple great families. And I have never been to the Como Park Pavillion before. I even ate luch there. It was a cute little place.

July 10-13, 2008

We went to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area for 4 days. The next few "new things" were done while on that trip.

1. Watched a beaver have a snack and then swim back home
2. Stayed in a campsite for a second time (first time was a year ago on Vera Lake)
3. Had a good night sleep in a tent
4. Helped rescue & provide hospitality for a capsized canoe-full of Boy Scouts
5. Took a photo from the latrine
6. Had to have Jon pull a wood tick out of me. (eew..)

Jul 16, 2008

July 9, 2008

Today I had a personal success! I have successfully kept my New Year's Resolution for 6 months, and had it validated. My resolution was to floss my teeth every day. And I can honestly say, I've only missed a handful of times. Today I had my 6 month dentist appointment for a regular check-up and they were blown away with my news. The cleaning was a breeze, not much of the horrible scraping, and an unofficial "Gold Star" from my dentist! Who knew it would make such a difference. I guess I'll keep it up.

July 8, 2008

Had a very frank and honest meeting with my boss. It felt good to get some issues out in the open.

July 7, 2008

Not sure what new thing I did today... i know there was something, so I'll get back to you.

July 6, 2008

This is a big one: I successfully flipped over in a kayak and did a "wet-exit". 3 times actually. I also did a self-rescue. It was scary, but Jon was coaching me through it the whole way. He was very patient - as it took me a long time to get up the nerve to do it. :) I'm proud of myself.

Also we cleaned our gutters when they were DRY. That was new and definitely the way to go. Much easier than cleaning out the wet, rotting muck that's normally in there. We had little trees sprouting from the gutters, so we figured it was time. Super hot day, but we each did half. Not as daunting of a task that way... and it feels good to have it done!

July 5, 2008

Went to a TRIPLE feature at the Vali-Hi Drive-in with my husband. It was a LONG night but pretty fun too. Gorgeous night for it! We saw Hancock (i would recommend), The Incredible Hulk (which I slept through and wouldn't probably recommend) and Get Smart (a rental).

It was fun. We had food and pillows and all that. Got home about 4AM. :) Sleepy...

July 4, 2008

I did nothing on the 4th of July. That's a first. Sat around at home, did some chores, layed around in the sun. Not too exciting, but pretty relaxing.

June 3, 2008

I had wine at a bowling alley. Not typically a place I would recommend having wine, but I wasn't feeling like beer. Yeah, it wasn't great, but it wasn't horrible either.

June 2, 2008

I successfully sold my first event media sponsorship to an outlet that we've never had any relationship with before. I think it will be good!

Jul 7, 2008

Catching Up on Posts

Woops! sorry it's been so long since I've posted... here's a recap of the last couple weeks. I'll try to be better about it.

Here goes:

July 1, 2008
Today I initiated plans to hold a blood drive at my office building. I've always donated blood, but never hosted a drive. It's about time.

June 30, 2008
Tried a new restaurant/bar today called Picosa. Not great for vegetarians, but had killer Mojitos!

June 29, 2008
Today I planted dill and golden beets. And I bought a wind-chime. It's something I've always wanted and never had. It's made of capiz. It's very sweet the way it tinkles lightly in the breeze. And another new thing was that I discovered I have 2 tomato plans growing that I didn't plant! hee-hee! Must be from the tomatoes that fell off and rotted last year.

June 28, 2008
Hired a handyman to do a couple things around the house. He was Russian. Very sweet man, but a little hard to understand.

June 27, 2008
Came home and did absolutely nothing- except read a magazine cover-to-cover... ahh...

June 26, 2008
Today I cooked stir-fry with Bok-Choy... mmm... it was good.

June 25, 2008
It's an odd thing, but I had electro-myo stimulation on my back today at the chiropractor. It's very strange, out-of-body sensation where you can't really tell if you're moving your muscles or if the machine is. Weird...

June 24, 2008
I uploaded (and shared) photos using Google's new Picasa tool. It's super fun! And handy.

July 23, 2008
I threw a going-away party for the first time. It was for my good friend... I miss her already. She moved to New York to pursue a life-long dream. How awesome is that!?

June 22, 2008
I drove almost all the way from Milwaukee with the windows down. It was breezy but so nice out!

June 21, 2008
Went to my friend's wedding "reception" in Milwaukee... actually it was more of a picnic. And I wore a mini-skirt! Not because I wanted to, but because it was all I had, besides jeans. You see, I forgot the sun-dress I was supposed to wear. I was upset but it was fine. Just never worn a mini-skirt to a wedding reception.

OH! And I almost forgot, I also ate some of the spiciest Thai food I've ever had this evening. It was good, but I was almost crying!!

June 20, 2008
I drove to Milwaukee by myself to visit my good friend and stayed in her "new" house.

June 19, 2008
I was the house manager for the opening night of "About a Mile" the Keane Sense of Rhythm 10th Anniversary performance. I've never "house managed" before. It wasn't hard. :) And the show was great!