Jun 18, 2008

July 18, 2008

I did a few new things today. 1) I ate lunch at Brasa for Katie's "going-away" lunch. It was yummy, but there were few things that were actually meatless. Oh well... 2) I taught my first PACKED tap class. It was awesome! There were like 24 adult students. Very exciting! Usually there's only 8-10 people. This was fun. Like I had my very own tap-army :) 3) I can't remember it right now. Maybe it'll come to me... oh yeah! I got to slap someone as hard as I could across the cheek. I KNOW i've never done that before. It was a consequence of Jon's new thing today... (being slapped on the cheek.) I didn't know i could hit that hard. It was scary, but also funny 'cause he asked me to, and then kind-of scream/laughed afterwards.

June 17, 2008

Today, my husband and I tried a new pizza... it's a mashed potato pizza with feta and tomatoes from Pizza Luce. I've heard rave reviews about it, but I was not impressed. In fact, I only ate one piece. It was just odd.
To make matters worse, they originally brought us the wrong 'zza (which had meat on it) and we had to wait to get another one. Thankfully they tried to compensate for the error by giving us a free giant Rice Krispie bar. If you know Luce, their Rice Krispie bars are the best! I guess "all's well that ends well."

June 16, 2008

Today I gave my first presentation for my organization to a local Women of Today chapter. I had no idea what to expect. They were very nice ladies, but it opened my eyes to a totally different world than the one in which I live.

Jun 16, 2008

June 15, 2008

Today was the Walk for Wishes! Gorgeous weather, thanfully! I have never been to Normandale Lake Park before. It's a really cute little suburban park with a nice bike/walking path.

Also, I got to pick-up and lug around 12 - 30lb. bags of ice in my car. That was interesting. Any longer in the hot car, and I would've been drowning in a puddle of slushy water. It was going fast. Luckily, I got it to the park and into coolers quickly, and all water was cooled sufficiently for the walk. :)

June 14, 2008

I totally nerded up today and went to the Star Wars exhibit at the Science Museum with my uber-obsessed husband. It was kind of interesting actually to see some of the behind-the-scenes stuff and the actual props and costumer etc. Then, for some reason, (and I think it kind-of shocked my husband too), I told him I'd play Star Wars Trivial Pursuit with him that evening. Again, that will probably never happen again. Naturally I got to play with a huge handicap (and quite a few hints)... and then still lost. But it was fun.

June 13, 2008

Today I tried a latte from McDonald's new McCafe coffee line. Sad, I know, but it had to be done. I usually avoid McDonald's like the plague. But I was going to another recital and needed a pick-me-up. It wasn't awful, but I don't think I have one again unless I'm desperate for caffeine.

June 12, 2008

Went to my first recital at the new studio where I taught this year. It was fun... long, but the kids did a great job! It makes it all worth it!

Jun 11, 2008

June 11, 2008

Today I did a couple different things... one I went to the Minneapolis Golf Club. Ive probably only ever been to 3 golf courses in my life. I also, ate a new kind of frozen edamamme and a new kind of faux-chicken patties. I know that's not that interesting, but I'm picky. Neither brand was as good as what I usually buy. Disappointing dinner. Oh well.

June 10, 2008

I spent the day in Hutchinson...to the Water Carnival and Boat Parade. Don't know that I've ever seen a boat parade anymore. And i know I've probably been to Hutchinson before, but I don't really remember it.

Also since I was driving the RV to Hutchinson, we naturally had to fill up the tank. I don't think I've ever had a gas purchase cost this much... $99.09!!!! yikes! And that was only for a half tank of gas.

Jun 9, 2008

June 9, 2008

This was a BIG first for me... I did a live television interview on a local show called Twin Cities Live today. Done interviews before, but never live. It was a little scary, but fun too! Whew!


June 8, 2008

Went to Glencoe and was in the Glencoe Days Parade with the Destination Joy RV! That's definitely a first!

Check it out!

June 7, 2008

Well, my students had their dance recital today. They all did such a great job! My new thing was that I received a dozen roses from one of my students, and another dozen from my director. How sweet is that!? I don't think I've ever gotten roses from a student. Maybe some daisy/carnation-mix, but this was extra special. Too cute! Two dozen...in one day! They look great in my living room.

June 6, 2008

I guess I thought I knew what the word 'repletion' meant, but I was wrong. I learned today the correct meaning:

\rih-PLEE-shun\, noun:
1. The condition of being completely filled or supplied.
2. Excessive fullness, as from overeating.

June 5, 2008

Today, my new thing wasn't so exciting...I tried a new Kashi microwave entree for lunch, which I purchased from SuperTarget. I have to say I wasn't impressed. My shopping trip to SuperTarget wasn't as super as I'd hoped, I guess.

Jun 4, 2008

Today I drove a 29 foot RV for the first time! It's not as bad as I thought it would be, but it's a little nerve-wracking... especially thinking about parking it. I should explain... the nonprofit organization I work for is launching a summer outreach campaign. We will be driving around a wrapped RV to different cities and festivals around the state to increase awareness and education about our foundation. Well, today, I test drove the RV. We'll all be taking turns driving it, so I'll have a few more chances to take it for a spin. Hopefully I won't crush any little cars. Watch (out) for it around town!

Jun 3, 2008

So, this wasn't an entirely new thing, but it's worth noting. Today I attended (or at least tried to attend) the Barack Obama speech in St. Paul where he officially declared that he is the Democratic candidate! Hooray! I went with my friend Katie, and we were in line in downtown St. Paul with approximately 40,000 other Minnesotans. We didn't actually make it in to the Xcel Center, but instead were able to see the speech on the Jumbo-tron outside with about 15,000 other people. It was amazing, even though we weren't inside! (We saw him earlier this year at the Target Center, so I guess we can't ask too much). History in the making! Can't wait to see what the next few months bring! The battle has just begun, so we can't breathe a sigh of relief quite yet. But it's just so wonderful to see changes happening...to be a part of this momentous election!

June 2, 2008

So today was uninteresting, but I did my grocery shopping at a Super Target. Never done that before. It was quite disappointing. They were out of almost everything in the produce section. I couldn't find the stuff I usually like to buy and I paid more than I usually do. I doubt I'll do that again. About the only nice thing was that I could get the shampoo and sunscreen that I needed at the same time.

Jun 1, 2008

Need to back-date the last week

Since I didn't start this blog until after my birthday, I'll need to back-date the new stuff I did. So here goes:

May 25, 2008
Today, I enjoyed a nice cold 40-oz. bottle of the "champagne of beers" with my husband. They serve it a local restaurant from a champagne chiller and poured in classic champagne glasses. A real treat for my 30th birthday!

May 26, 2008
I planed some new annuals in my garden this year... snapdragons, and giant marigolds. Also, I tried a new restaurant, called Duplex, with some friends... It was good!

May 27, 2008
Tonight we ordered Indian food from a great little place near us. I ordered something new, called Kadai Paneer. It was yummy! Oh, and my co-workers had a little birthday celebration for me, so I got to eat cupcakes and ice-cream for lunch. I don't think i've ever done that before! Mmmm... ice-cream.

May 28, 2008
I've been riding my bike to work this year for many reasons, not the least of which is that gas prices are so high. But anyway, I took a new route to work today and shaved 10 minutes off my commute. I hit all the lights perfectly, and it was great! I must remember exactly what time I left.

May 29, 2008
I learned what "halcyon" means... never knew that before:

halcyon \HAL-see-uhn\, noun:
1. A mythical bird, identified with the kingfisher, that was fabled to nest at sea about the time of the winter solstice and to calm the waves during incubation.

1. Calm; quiet; peaceful; undisturbed; happy; as, "deep, halcyon repose."
2. Marked by peace and prosperity; as, "halcyon years."

May 30, 2008
Today I learned what LYBUNTS and SYBUNTS are... They're nonprofit fundraising terms for donors that have donated Last Year But Not This Year or Some Year But Not This Year.
I also went to happy hour with my co-workers at Elsie's. We went bowling. I've never bowled at Elsie's before. I was awful!

May 31, 2008
I went to see some friends perform at the Mad Hatter cafe. Never been there before. It's a great little (tiny) tea shop and they did an outstanding job! I'll miss seeing them perform when they both move away in a few weeks. :(

June 1, 2008
Today, some friends and I went to a great Minnesota fest... Grand Ole Day! I can't believe I've never been to it before. Saw some good bands, ate some greasy food and drank lots of beer. It was really hot, we walked around a lot and I'm tired.

Okay- I think I'm caught up on my "new things". But there's a few notable new things that I did just before I turned 30... so count these as bonus "new things":

- went to Vancouver, B.C. (never been to Canada before)
- went whale watching and saw lots of Orca and seals!
- rode an Amtrak through the mountains
- attended my first caucus (yay!)
- started biking to work

Now that I'm 30...

Inspired by another blog, my husband, my good friend and I are all going to try to do one new thing each day this year. We turned 30 recently... yep, so it seemed as good a time as any to take on a monumental task. Some days may be interesting, others may be boring, but maybe we'll inspire someone else to try one of these things. It's a lofty goal, I know... but hopefully this blog will be a record of that accomplishment. Wish me (us) luck!