Jun 1, 2008

Need to back-date the last week

Since I didn't start this blog until after my birthday, I'll need to back-date the new stuff I did. So here goes:

May 25, 2008
Today, I enjoyed a nice cold 40-oz. bottle of the "champagne of beers" with my husband. They serve it a local restaurant from a champagne chiller and poured in classic champagne glasses. A real treat for my 30th birthday!

May 26, 2008
I planed some new annuals in my garden this year... snapdragons, and giant marigolds. Also, I tried a new restaurant, called Duplex, with some friends... It was good!

May 27, 2008
Tonight we ordered Indian food from a great little place near us. I ordered something new, called Kadai Paneer. It was yummy! Oh, and my co-workers had a little birthday celebration for me, so I got to eat cupcakes and ice-cream for lunch. I don't think i've ever done that before! Mmmm... ice-cream.

May 28, 2008
I've been riding my bike to work this year for many reasons, not the least of which is that gas prices are so high. But anyway, I took a new route to work today and shaved 10 minutes off my commute. I hit all the lights perfectly, and it was great! I must remember exactly what time I left.

May 29, 2008
I learned what "halcyon" means... never knew that before:

halcyon \HAL-see-uhn\, noun:
1. A mythical bird, identified with the kingfisher, that was fabled to nest at sea about the time of the winter solstice and to calm the waves during incubation.

1. Calm; quiet; peaceful; undisturbed; happy; as, "deep, halcyon repose."
2. Marked by peace and prosperity; as, "halcyon years."

May 30, 2008
Today I learned what LYBUNTS and SYBUNTS are... They're nonprofit fundraising terms for donors that have donated Last Year But Not This Year or Some Year But Not This Year.
I also went to happy hour with my co-workers at Elsie's. We went bowling. I've never bowled at Elsie's before. I was awful!

May 31, 2008
I went to see some friends perform at the Mad Hatter cafe. Never been there before. It's a great little (tiny) tea shop and they did an outstanding job! I'll miss seeing them perform when they both move away in a few weeks. :(

June 1, 2008
Today, some friends and I went to a great Minnesota fest... Grand Ole Day! I can't believe I've never been to it before. Saw some good bands, ate some greasy food and drank lots of beer. It was really hot, we walked around a lot and I'm tired.

Okay- I think I'm caught up on my "new things". But there's a few notable new things that I did just before I turned 30... so count these as bonus "new things":

- went to Vancouver, B.C. (never been to Canada before)
- went whale watching and saw lots of Orca and seals!
- rode an Amtrak through the mountains
- attended my first caucus (yay!)
- started biking to work

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